NSPC Year 1 - 6 Courses

NSPC Year 1 - 6 Courses

Streamed Classes

All classes are streamed to group together students of similar abilities so that teachers can convey the teaching material in the most effective and efficient manner. The course content will thus be tailored to each child’s ability and will only cover the content which is most relevant to your child.

Passionate Teachers

Our passionate teaching staff are continually trained and assessed by our development team. These training programs are specifically designed by industry experts, some of which include delegates from the NSW Education Standards Authority, key-note speakers and other teaching professionals.

Free Homework Help

All students enrolled in the Core Class Program are offered access to our Homework Help Classes. These classes are designed to aid students to have a more holistic grasp of the content and to complete homework with absolute confidence. These classes are FREE OF CHARGE and run on a weekly basis.

Online Portal

Get 24/7 support with our online Teachable Portal. On this portal, students are able to view full lesson recordings, access full worked solutions as well as ask any questions they may have each week. Parent's also have their own portal in which they are able to track exam marks and monitor homework.

Updated Materials

Our materials are updated yearly to reflect the newest changes as enacted by the NSW Education Standards Authority. The syllabus is continually reviewed by our NESA-Liaison Officers who understand the intricacies of the primary education systems and enact change with the most current information available.

Regular Testing

Students at NSPC undergo weekly testing in the form of a online weekly quiz. They also sit two major exams each term covering all topics learnt. This not only allows students to practice for the big exams like the Selective Placement Test, but also allows teachers to cater their approach to each student .


Tyana Nguyen

Head Teacher Mathematics

Bachelor of Education

Amelia Eng

Head Teacher English

Bachelor of Psychology / Commerce

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